Quatrième projet d'apprentissage Unity. Un platformer 2D où vous devez ramasser la clé et trouver la sortie pour terminer le niveau.

Problèmes connus : 

  •  Manque le mixage audio
  • Pas de navigation au pad dans les menus
  • Passage a travers les sol en tombant du plus haut point au niveau 3
  • Appuyer sur le saut avant de retomber sur un bumper donne un boost de saut
  • Tombe à l'infini si on sort des limites du niveau

Fourth Unity learning project. A 2D platformer where you have to collect the key and find the exit to complete the level.

Known issues:

  •  Missing audio mixing
  • No pad navigation in menus
  • Passing through the floor when falling from the highest point in level 3
  • Pressing jump before landing on a bumper gives a jump boost
  • Falls infinitely if you leave the level limits

Updated 21 days ago
Published 23 days ago


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(1 edit)

Okay, I have to ask, are you and Zelmax the same person, or are you just coincidentally working on the exact same style of game with the exact same control scheme and pre-fab sprites?

Also, if you tap Jump on the springs, you get a massively boosted jump—in Level 3, you can use this to get on top of the cliff at the start and walk off the leftmost edge, falling forever. You may want to either find a way to include a "death plane", or make that cliff part much much higher, or add an invisible wall of some kind.

(1 edit)

Hi, thanks for the feedBack, since it's just a training prototype I don't know when I'll get to correct it but your comments are noted.

As for your other question, no I'm not Zelmax but we are following the same training course so we are posting the same type of game at the same time and the sprite asset was a requirement for this project.